Changes to how your medication is ordered
Sometimes patients receive medicines they don’t actually use, or use only occasionally. This creates unnecessary waste and can be potentially harmful if a medication is taken that is no longer needed.
With this in mind, the practice has decided to change the way in which repeat medicines are ordered. We feel by encouraging patients to order their own medication ensures they are taking responsibility for their own health care.
From 10/02/17 your Pharmacy will no longer be ordering your repeat prescription for you. You will be responsible for ordering the medicine you require.
There are numerous ways you can do this:
At the surgery
Via the fax
Please allow 2 working days for us to process and authorise your prescription request. Typically, a pharmacy will need another 2 working days to dispense your medication.
So allow 4 working days in total to collect your medication from the date you submit your request.
Any concerns or complaints should be raised with the Bradford CCG’s patient support line. Information can be found on the CCG website or call on 01274 237562 or email
Repeat Prescriptions
You can order your repeat prescriptions any time and any where using our on-line repeat prescription service. You will need to register at reception for this service and provide a means of photo identification with your address on it. Please note registration for on-line services cannot be made over the phone. If you have to have your password reset you will need to bring photo identification in again.
If you need to request a repeat prescription but prefer not to use the on-line service, you can use the right hand side of the last prescription issued to you. Tick the option for where you wish to collect the prescription from and tick the boxes alongside the relevant drugs to show which you require. Completed forms can then be left in either surgery.
Please allow 2 working days for us to process and authorise your prescription request.
Typically, a pharmacy will need another 2 working days to dispense your medication.
So allow 4 working days in total to collect your medication from the date you submit your request.
Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS)
From the 15th July 2015 Wilsden Medical Practice will be using the NHS Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS).
Under this service instead of a paper prescription being printed and collected, the prescription can be sent electronically to the patient’s chosen pharmacy.
This is an option service, if you want your prescriptions to be sent electronically you must speak to your chosen pharmacy and nominate them officially. Patients will not automatically have their prescriptions sent this way – it is an OPT IN service.
The NHS EPS is a secure and confidential service and your electronic prescription will only be seen by the same people who see your paper prescription now (GP practice staff, pharmacy staff, NHS prescription payment and fraud prevention agencies).